7 Tips on How to Revive Your Dull, Lackluster Skin!

There are a wide variety of reasons why you may have dry skin. Be it the weather or certain products; everyone has fallen victim to dull, lackluster skin at least once in their lives. Naturally, you can’t have perfect skin all the time because of how much exposure it gets to everything in the environment. That said, there are still ways to rejuvenate your skin, as related in this guide.

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What Causes Dull Skin? 

As mentioned before, there may be several reasons why your skin looks dull. Unless it’s an issue you should check with your dermatologist, here is a list of reasons why that may be the case!



One of the most obvious reasons why your skin looks lackluster is because you might be dehydrated. With the stress of life and work and education upon our shoulders at all times, it is not unusual to forget about your basic needs, such as drinking an adequate amount of water. 



Dry skin is extremely common, particularly in the winter. The air in the winter months is dry and cold, which lowers the humidity within your skin, leaving it drier than it should be. 



Growing up and growing old is a very natural phenomenon. Aging is a part of growing older, one that you can’t control. That said, adopting a good skincare routine or using the right products, and building the proper lifestyle can provide your skin the hydration it needs. 


Lack of Moisturizer

If your skin is already naturally dry, not moisturizing enough can directly affect how your skin looks. Regularly moisturizing should be a crucial part of your routine, whether or not you have exceedingly dry skin. 


Lack of Exfoliation 

When you don’t exfoliate, the dead skin cells that your skin naturally sheds end up on the surface, making your skin look duller. Without the exfoliation and cleansing, the dead cells build up on the surface, and your skin ends up looking flakey and blotchy. 



Whether you are a student, an employee, or an entrepreneur, there is no shortage of challenges life throws your way. At times, that stress is not just psychological, but it physically manifests as well - this could lead to dull and spotty skin, among other things. 


How can you revive your dull, lackluster skin?

Now that you have an idea about why your skin may be looking duller than usual, here is a guide to reviving your skin and making it look refreshed and nourished. 


Be Gentle 

Exfoliating and cleansing are undoubtedly essential for refreshed skin, but it is equally important to be gentle with your skin. Whether you use a scrub or a simple oil, make sure you don’t scrub harshly on your skin. After all, your skin is your biggest organ - treat it with care. 


Instead of using rough scrubs, use cleansing oil to remove the first layer of dirt without ripping the topmost layer of your skin off. You can follow this step with a second cleanse with a soft cleanser, such as micellar water, to rid your skin of excess oil.


Use Lukewarm Water

For your skin to look your best, it’s essential to wash your face with lukewarm water. Hot water strips the skin of natural oils, which in turn results in dull skin. Although you don’t need your skin to be too oily, you don’t need it stripped from its natural oils either.


Use lukewarm water to wash your face in all seasons. As an optional step, you can use coconut oil or shea butter to moisturize your face. 


Wash Your Face Every Night 

With the pollutants littering the air, it’s no surprise that your skin ends up looking dull. The dirt and dust accumulate on your face, and if you leave it there, it causes inflammation that leads to dry skin. You can’t stop the pollution, but you can make sure you are least affected by it. 


Wash your face every single night and use gentle cleansers and soaps to rid your skin of the day’s grime, dirt, and leftover makeup.  


Exfoliate Regularly 

Even better: make it part of your daily skincare routine. As stated earlier, not exfoliating enough or adequately can lead to the accumulation of dead cells. If you exfoliate adequately, your skin will not only look rejuvenated and younger, it will feel so, too. 


Professionals recommend starting out exfoliating twice a week if you are entirely new to the process. On the other hand, you could incorporate it into your routine - homemade scrubs work great for this!


Try Facial Massages 

Countless people may have already told you to relax more and not take too much stress. But, a lot of the time, this is not something you can control - you’ve heard it before anyway. Besides trying to set aside time for breaks, you can try face massages as you apply other products. 


Whether you book appointments for face massages or do a gentle round on your face after using a face mask, the goal here is to relax your face muscles and stimulate the blood flow, which adds radiance to your skin. 


Use Serums 

Face serums are great for reviving dull skin. The formula is usually specifically tailored to include ingredients that will liven up your skin and increase inner hydration. You don’t have to wait too long for it to absorb - they usually absorb pretty quickly. 


You can look into and purchase the cleanser of your choice and incorporate it into your daily routine a couple of times a day after you are done with cleansing.


Use More Moisturizer 

Moisturizing is an extremely easy and cheap way to rejuvenate your skin and maintain its health and radiance. It repairs damaged skin and hydrates dry skin. On top of that, it retains the moisture within your skin. 


Moisturizing is one thing you don’t need to hold back on. However, moisturizing twice a day - once during your morning routine and once before sleeping - should do the trick. 

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